Zadelhoff commissioned Cecile to develop and implement a social-cultural concept within a 4.000 m2 wing of the Slotervaart Center of Care in Amsterdam. The concept consists of a temporary redevelopment of the former Slotervaart hospital building into Louwes Lab, a social and cultural well-being laboratory where professionals collaborate with residents to work on the future of care.

Part of the strategy was to maintain the social function of the former hospital for the Nieuw West neighbourhood and to create impact, innovation and collaboration around Care. Cecile developed a social-cultural program with local stakeholders that focused on building a solid relationship with cultural institutions and residents of Amsterdam Nieuw West.

Louwes Lab is equipped with the new expertise centre of ROC Amsterdam 'Health Experience Centre', the incubator ‘Care Design Lab’, the Neighbourhood Team Amsterdam New West, Casa Sofia’s literary neighbourhood cafe and the Children Clothing Lab. Cecile co-initiated Care Design Lab and the Children Clothing Lab and initiated Care Next.



Care Design Lab

The Care Design Lab is an innovative incubator where a community of makers work on care in the broadest sense of the word: caring for yourself, caring for each other and caring for the world. The result is a unique cross-pollination between care and well-being and art and culture.

The Kinderkledinglab

The Kinderkledinglab provides families that struggle with poverty with the opportunity to pick up free clothing and other items for their children (aged 0-18). Families across Amsterdam and the surrounding area collect and donate these clothes, toys and books. The Kinderkladinglab is managed by neighbourhood volunteers.

Care Next

Care Next is a free event organised by the healthcare organisations of De Plantijn (Slotervaart Centrum voor Zorg, Sanquin, Cordaan, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis) for young adults between the ages of 16 and 30 years. The festival serves as an introduction to the healthcare sector, and a means to attract more people to participate in this work field.

Through workshops, group discussions, and panels, various parties from the healthcare sector, both organisational and independent, share their knowledge. Care Next aims to familiarise young people with healthcare and allows them to participate in creating the future of well-being.


Slotervaart Centrum voor Zorg


Care Design Lab

Casa Sofia

ROC van Amsterdam – Health Experience Center

Buurtteam Amsterdam Nieuw-West

Amsterdam Municipality – Integraal Maatschappelijk Initiatief & Bureau Broedplaatsen

Municipality of Amsterdam – Grote Spelers Broedplaatsen

Stichting Sipi


Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis


Health Innovation District Nieuw-West

Comfy Community

ROC Amsterdam

Prothya Biosolutions





Cecile Wentges Manager & Programming Louwes Lab

Habon Ismaïl Assistant

Dajo Bodisco Care Design Lab

Fouad Lakbir Care Design Lab

Ilias Zian Care Design Lab

Katrien van Leeuwen Care Design Lab

Mohamed Mahdi Casa Sofia

Esmae Mahdi Stichting Sipi

Ibtissam El Bazi Stichting Sipi

Yousrija El boudmoussi Volunteer

Elles Bandriga Volunteer

Anouk Wagenaar Sanquin



on Louwers Lab

FMT Gezondheidszorg, 31 October 2021 (online) – Louweslab Amsterdam: samenwerking zorg, onderwijs en cultuur

Sigra, November 9, 2021(online) – Louweslab: samenwerking zorg, onderwijs en cultuur

At5, November 4, 2021 (online) – In het Slotervaartziekenhuis wordt nu zorg verleend aan acteurs

Wintergasten Zorg, #23-2021 (pdf) – VG Visie

Telegraaf, November 5, 2021 (pdf) – Zorgstudenten toch op stage in Slotervaart

on Care Design Lab

AT5, July 9, 2022 (online) – Oude Slotervaartziekenhuis nu broedplaats met startups and creatievelingen

Social media archive, CentrumVoorZorgSlotervaart, March 2023 (vlog clip),

LinkedIn, After Movie Care Next Festival, April, 2023, (clip),


on Kinderkleding Lab

Het Parool, 21 February 2023 (pdf) – In Nieuw-West opent Kinderkledinglab, voor gezinnen met een krappe beurs

Gemeente Amsterdam, 28 February 2023 (online) – Kinderkleding Lab is een warm bad voor gezinnen met kleine beurs

opening Louwes-Lab

Slotervaart CVZ

photo Milan Hofmans

opening Louwes-Lab

Slotervaart CVZ

photo Milan Hofmans

opening Louwes-Lab

Slotervaart CVZ

photo Milan Hofmans

opening Louwes-Lab

Slotervaart CVZ

photo Milan Hofmans

juli 2022 Opening

Care Design Lab CvZ

Milan Hofmans

Louwes Lab partners

Care Next


Kinderkleding Lab



Louwes Lab

2021–23, Nieuw-West, Amsterdam, NL
